Avv. Davide Pastano

Born in Francavilla Fontana (BR) on December 30th, 1986, Davide Pastano graduated on Law at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" on 17/7/2012 by discussing a thesis in Labor Law.
He registered in the Registry of Trainees Lawyers of Rome Lawyer’s Order since September 2012, where he has completed the mandatory compulsory practice period.
He attended the "Vittorio Emanuele Orlando" Forensic School at the Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) and the Course on Labor Law held by the “Protection of Rights” Association.
In 2015, at the first attempt, he was enabled to practice the forensic profession at the Court of Appeal of Rome, in whose district he is a member of the Lawyer’s Order since January 2016.
Provide judicial and extrajudicial advice and assistance in the field of civil law (family law, consumption, transports, litigation procedures, damages, enforcement proceedings, etc.) and he has excellent skills in using telematic Civil Process (PCT).
He collaborates with Studio Persiani-Rizzo since April 2015.