Avv. Angelo De Crescenzo

Born in 1962, since 1997 he has been enrolled in the Bar of the Council of the Order of Rome and, since 2014, in the Register of Supreme Court.
He provides advice and assists in legal disputes of civil law in general, and mainly in the field of bonds, contracts, people and family, of sporting rights.
He has been providing assistance and advice on behalf of a primary mobile phone company, dealing in particular with the formulation of opinions and drafting of standard contracts.
He has also held teaching appointments at Public Institutions.
He has been managing and coordinating for over ten years the activity of recovering receivables on behalf of companies and clients at national level and Public Administration.
He is currently:
- Member of Justice Commissions at Sports Federations;
- Referee at the National Arbitration Chamber in Agriculture;
- Component of the Committee of Sportive Elections in Sports Federations;
- Component of the Examination Committee at Publicly Owned Companies;
- Trustee of real estate brokerage firms, in particular in the preparation of contracts, in addition to leasing and real estate transactions.
He has been founding member of the Association of Lawyers for Europe with whom he has organized and chaired conferences and seminars on a range of topics.