People and Family law

In the interests of its clients, the Firm does:
Marriage (and possible connections with criminal law)
- marriage contracts;
- community property;
- separate property;
- judicial dissolution and division of community property;
- family trust;
- restrictions on use;
- trust deed;
- family agreements;
- family business;
- minor’s inheritance protection;
- representation and administration of minor’s property;
- invalidity of civil marriage;
- exequatur of church/ecclesiastical judgment on marriage;
- protection orders against family abuses and eviction of the violent partner;
- breach of family care obligations;
- family mobbing;
- family stalking;
For the civil partnership under the Law 76/2016 (and possible connections with criminal law)
- community property;
- separate property;
- judicial dissolution and division of community property;
- appeal and annulment of civil partnership;
- civil partnership dissolution;
- debt collection after civil partnership dissolution;
- survivor’s pension collection;
- protection orders against civil partnership family abuses and eviction of the violent partners;
- stepchild adoption;
- family mobbing;
- family stalking;
For the cohabitations under the Law 76/2016 (and possible connections with criminal law)
- personal, property and succession relations between unmarried partners;
- community property;
- separate property;
- cohabitation contracts under the Law 76/2016, article 1, paragraph 50;
- asset allocation to the unmarried partner (during life and mortis causa);
debt collection; - judicial dissolution and division of community property;
- termination, annulment and withdrawal of cohabitation agreement under the Law 76/2016, article 1, paragraph 50;
- cohabitations care obligations;
- issuing and revocation of the unmarried partner’s passport;
- protection orders against family abuses and eviction of the violent partner;
- family mobbing;
- family stalking;
For the separation
- all kinds of separations;
- international separation;
- modification of the separation conditions;
- issuing and revocation of the partner’s passport;
- debt collection after separation;
- breach of family care obligations after separations;
For the divorce
- all kinds of divorces;
- international divorces;
- speedy divorces;
- modification of the divorce conditions;
- issuing and revocation of the partner’s passport;
- “una tantum” agreements;
- debt collection after divorce;
- survivor’s pension collection;
- proceedings for getting the authorization to maintain the husband’s surname;
For the parentage (and possible connections with criminal law)
- custody of children;
- adoption;
- family and out-of-family custody;
- protections of minors;
- action to the tutelary judge;
- minor emancipation;
- revocation and limitation of parental responsibility;
- recognition of paternity;
- disowning of paternity;
- modification and addition of minor’s surname;
- protection to the image and privacy of the minor;
- representation and administration of minor’s property;
- issuing and revocation of the minor’s passport;
- regulation of minor expatriation;
- protection orders against family abuses and eviction of the violent partner;
- child abduction (at both level national and international);
- breach of family care obligations;
- means of correcting abuse;
- family mobbing against the minor;
For the European and international family law
- interpretation and enforcement of European legislation and international convention in the matter of family;
- recognition of foreign judgment and jurisdiction in the matters of status of persons and family law;
- application of the AIA Convention;
- enforcement of foreign judgments;
- unaccompanied minors;
- acquisition of citizenship right;
For the protection of the individual
- right to financial support;
- person’s civil status;
- surname addition or modification;
- incapacitation and prohibition proceedings;
- protection and curatorship;
- protection of the privacy, confidentially, image, name and reputation;
- sex change.