
In the field of liability, the Firm provides advice and assistance on:
Tort law:
- professional liability;
- damages for contractual liability;
- tort/delict damages;
- financial damages;
- biological damages;
- non-material damages;
- loss of chances damages;
- sexual life damages;
- non-pecuniary loss damages;
- human rights damages;
Medical liability:
- medical error damages;
- mediation proceedings in cases of medical liability (under the Law 24/2017);
- preventive expert inspections proceedings in cases of medical liability (under the Law 24/2017);
- interpretation and enforcement of the legislation in the matter of voluntary termination of pregnancy (under the Law 194/1978);
- interpretation and enforcement of the legislation in the cases of medically assisted procreation;
- informed consent;
- LEA application;
- mistaken prenatal diagnosis damages;
- blood transfusion damages;
- compulsory vaccination damages.